Friday, June 15, 2012

I hate my phone

Hurray me! I am finally done English 110.  Here I shall present you some shots of UBC.
I really like the cascading mountains in the back in contrast to the yellowish trees but my camera sucks and can zoom.  UBC makes me sad everytime, nice scenery but no nice camera.

Anyways I have continued cooking, hence I shall present my latest cuisinefails
Okay, so I was trying to copy that restaurant C, A and I went to and it kid of failed. I have no idea what noodles can go crispy.  And of course people only eat this dish to experience that transition from crispy and dry noodles to something wet and slimy. Yeah...I know it sounds wrong.

Okay so I tried to recreate Taiwanese popcorn chicken from Corner 23 and taste wise I'll say its pretty similar but the deep frying failed.  But its because I deepfried it the ghetto way (I don't have a deep fryer and I wanna save oil, so I had to tip the skillet on a 45 degree angle to make a "well" between the bottom and side of skillet,).  Anyways if you have a real deep fryer its super easy to make!!!

And lastly I tried to make something similar to Dandan noodles/ tantanmen which is like a spicy sesame (or some may say peanut) soup with minced pork and ramen (not like instant ramen though).  I had to do a lot of improvising because first of all my sister is picky and she doesn't like pork nor does she like spicy so this dish came out to be pretty lame.  Also there shouldn't be black beans or corn but I had to up the "healthyness factor"

In regards to the dango I promised I kinda failed at that too I used rice flour instead of GLUTINOUS rice flour yea yea I thought they were the same so instead of gooey melting treats all I got were chalky hard balls of flour huhuhu.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I cook this summer

Yes. I cook this summer. And here is the proof. Here I try to recreate the culinary masterpieces of the internet.

Panfried Tofu

Noodles and Onions

Tofu tops Mashed to death Carrots+Potatoes

Black Bean Sauce Smothers the Eggplants and Zuchinni

And For Dessert!

DIY Twinky, Milktea Agar Agar and Coconut Agar Agar

Here's a random church around Burrard. I sauntered in like an awkward tourist and sneakily took a picture.

I'm going to make dango tomorrow! I've been watching cookingwithdog and runnyrunny999 on youtube but they're too hardcore for me X___X.